Linnea Semmerling has done her BA in Arts and Culture in Maastricht (UM), followed by a Research MA in Art Studies in Amsterdam (UvA), where she has focused on sound, installation and performance art, museum studies, contemporary art theory and phenomenology. The past two years, she has spent working as a Curatorial and Research Assistant for ZKM | Center for Art and Media ( Karlsruhe, Germany, curating exhibitions, organizing conferences and editing books.
Now she is working for the TSS department at FASoS with her PhD project “Listening on Display. Exhibiting Sound Art 1960s-now”, supervised by Karin Bijsterveld and Peter Peters. The project examines how the rise of sound art at art museums in Germany and the US (1960s-now) has challenged existing curatorial strategies and how research into artists’, curators’ and visitors’ (listening) experiences of sound art can inform new curatorial strategies.
Linnea met the participants of Parallel #1 and #2 and talked with them about their work, ideas and sound art. She has also advised on some texts that were read and discussed within the group.